Ternian Insurance Group partners with Fundamental Care Benefits Marketplace
Now you can capitalize on traditionally non-benefited employees with little or no administrative burden on the employer.

If you answer “yes” to any of the questions below, the Fundamental Care Benefits Marketplace may be the right solution for you and your customers:
1. Do you work with employers who want to offer benefits but won’t (or can’t easily) payroll deduct because of seasonal employees, co-employment relationships (PEO), erratic compensation structures such as restaurant employees, etc.?
2. Do you have clients in these markets: Chambers, Affinity, Associations, Franchisees, multi-level marketers, or 1099ers?
3. Do you have employers who do not contribute toward dependent coverage that need a dependent-only solution?
The Fundamental Care Benefits Marketplace is a turnkey benefit solution designed to address all of these issues. It features high-touch member support and direct bill capabilities. Through the marketplace, employees and their dependents have access to licensed agents, ready to help them enroll in a variety of voluntary, limited medical and major medical plans. The only employer responsibility is communicating the plan to the employees. The employer may consider designating Fundamental Care as a non-ERISA plan, removing liability and reporting requirements from the employer.
How will this program work? Ternian still provides MEC, limited medical, and other voluntary coverage for the workforce segments sponsored by the employer. For employees that the employer is not willing to sponsor, the Fundamental Care Benefits Marketplace offers:
Individual Major Medical plans
ACA exchange plans
Limited medical plans
Gap, Telemedicine, RX Copay Card, and a full array of supplemental benefits, including Critical Illness, Dental and Accident
Contact your Ternian representative today or email us at sales@ternian.com to learn more about how you can offer this program to your clients. Benefit Plans, Concierge Enrollment Support, and Individual Billing all in one Marketplace! Plan Designs offered vary by Underwriting Company Authority. Coverage is subject to exclusions and limitations, and may not be available in all US states and jurisdictions. Product availability and plan design features, including eligibility requirements, descriptions of benefits, exclusions or limitations may vary depending on local country or US state laws. Full terms and conditions of coverage, including effective dates of coverage, benefits, limitations, and exclusions, are set forth in the policy.